Sunday, July 20, 2014

Lesson plans complete!

Not only are my lesson plans completed, but I've also devised a way to give those who finish the course, a great and well deserved prize!

I'm going to need a lot of funding though, so I'm going to start selling Krispy Kreme doughnuts to a local highschool.

Given the profit margin, I should only have to hold 1/2 as many fundraisers as I have kids in the class.

This is going to be oodles of fun!

Yes, I just said Oodles.

Sherry (the head librarian) and I have even settled on a date.

The first meeting is to take place on September 20th.

I can't wait for September to roll around..... Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Monday, July 7, 2014

Lesson 1 - plans

Lesson one I intend on teaching:

  • How to write a blog post
  • What blogs usually cover during the week (such as memes, author interviews, giveaways)
  • What bloggers do to publicize their blog posts.
  • Keeping your personal life personal, and avoiding the overshares.
I'll also be counting how many students I have, so I can print out only the number of books I need for them. (this is what the donations will be used for.)

I have two months give or take to write out all my lessons! 
What do you feel is the most important thing to teach these kids about blogging?

Yogurt anyone?

I'm in the talks today with Yogurtland Bakersfield to see if we can get a fundraiser set up for funding the curriculum I'm writing for the program.

Yay yogurt!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

The Project - Beginnings

I'm so excited for this opportunity.
My words can't even express this joy I'm feeling.

I've already rounded up some book donations (and you can still donate books!) But, we are also going to need funds to put together my curriculum.

I plan on giving each student a booklet of  my own design outlining what they are learning. It will also have room for them to take notes and write down their account information.

This is all so exciting!

We will also be featured on a few different blogs.

The other project i'm working on, is getting a nice webcam and microphone so that I can webcast the lessons so other libraries can use my lessons.

I'm really looking forward to starting class, but I'm glad I still have a little bit of summer to figure out my own blog stuff and figure out the curriculum more.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to donate. Any little bit helps!
Rachel's Book Reviews